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Editor: Nelendhre Moodley
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SA Mining examines every facet of mining in sub-Saharan Africa, as well focusing on Africa and the international mining markets. Providing insight into the mining sector for over 119 years, this business-to-business magazine continues to deliver the news impacting industry by providing an in-depth coverage of projects, contracts, commodities, legislation, the environment, technology, analysts and legal perspectives and other critical issues pertinent to the industry. This monthly publication focuses on specific segments impacting on, or part of, the mining sector through special features, while also providing readers with fresh, new perspectives impacting industry through a current news segment. The magazine is distributed within South Africa and the Southern African Development Community, while readership extends to an international audience. Facts, knowledge and quality news – all in SA Mining.

SA Mining reaches the SADC region

The magazine is South Africa’s highest circulating monthly mining publication and prides itself on publishing excellence.

Circulation: 5000

The readers are:

  • Mine management
  • Engineers & surveyors
  • Mining houses
  • Exploration companies
  • Refinery, reduction, metallurgical
  • Geologists
  • Government
  • Mining services
  • Financial institutions
  • Mining suppliers
  • Academics