Business Day TV is available on both the Premium and Compact DStv bouquets and broadcasts across Southern Africa, reaching nine different African countries. Our business content and programming format offers advertisers a well-defined, discerning, premium audience of LSM 9-10, economically active viewers with little or no wastage. The channel features unfiltered business information which means top investors can make up their own minds while viewing our content. BDtv’s programming provides current, up-to-the minute information with key insights and thought-provoking debate.
Viewers tune-in weekdays from 18:00 to 24:00 for the latest on what’s moving markets and influencing business decisions. Segments in each hour include the news, markets report and News Leader, where we get one-on-one with business leaders that have made the headlines.
Other specialist programs include the likes of Stock Watch, Traders Corner, Spotlight on Smallcaps, Share My Portfolio and Talking Technical. These shows have the express aim of giving viewers an educational and empowering perspective on investing in the markets.
We’ve also expanded our daytime programming with shows that focus on small business, entrepreneurship and personal finance. Programs like the Money Show, You & Your Money with renowned financial planner Bryan Hirsch as well as the Big Small Business Show have proved popular for their practical advice from experts in the various industries.
BusinessDay TV viewers are optimistic and proud to be high net worth South Africans. They believe that technology improves life and is necessary for staying abreast. News about South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world is their daily bread. Being active in the world of business, they believe that work should be interesting and not just about money, and that success builds on a good education. They are prepared to take calculated risks for higher returns on their money. Advertising is key to making informed decisions on trusted brands.